day 8 - Quorum sensing

QS is a communication process that allows bacteria to regulate gene expression according to cell density.

Did you ever use a tin can telephone? I did once, it was explained and exposed in a museum and that was cool!

31 131

I’ll admit this was a hard one, but what better ecological/microbial niche than roots? 🌱
A symbiosis where Rhizobium colonise legume root nodules, producing ammonium to be used by the plant

23 112

I am not organised enough to be posting every day
First set of illustrations for

8 104

I haven't been drawing a lot lately, so here's a scifi phage illustration I made a while ago!

7 38

There is something so nice about the rainbow colors stamping :) and Phages love it too 😉

prompt: phage

1 13

Day 6 - Phage!
It’s a happy fairylight phage because it’s getting darker outside 🎃

4 66

Day 6 - Sporulation!

Some species of bacteria form spores that can remain dormant for a long time and germinate when conditions are favourable. This is a little Streptomyces Tangela that's making some Streptomyces style spore chains!

3 40

The Bacteria Collection: Escherichia coli 💥 (1/8)

Inktober created a great opportunity to make a project that has been on the back of my mind. This collection will be a series of 8 illustrations inspired by prompts from list.

20 106

On to day 5 of 🦠🖌️ For todays prompt Lysis 🦠

6 68

Poor little bug is dealing with a nasty case of lytic phage.

44 207


To spread, viruses (ABCDEFG…) explode their host cells ('cell lysis') to leave them because they don’t need host membranes to make new virions.

4 11

Day 4 Dormancy 🦠🖌️ Even bacteria need to rest sometimes 🦠😴

13 86

And on day 4 of a bacterial supervillain lies in dormancy awaiting its revenge

1 7

4: DORMANCY. Bacillus anthracis spores can lay dormant for decades, as tested on Gruinard Island in Scotland in 1942. Apparently safe now!

6 17

day 3-- flagella. E. Coli have peritrichous flagella, meaning they are all over the cell!

2 18

3: FLAGELLA. Trichomonas is a that causes bacterial vaginosis w. FIVE & an axostyle. No one knows what the 5th one does.

3 12

Day 3 of 🖌️🦠 Todays prompt flagella 🦠🖌️

11 178

A little homage to The Simpsons with this one

10 50