Teo has permission from Egan to do interrogation Stronzo. A few minutes ago, he had been beaten by a gang because he tried to break away and dragged with a motorbike to the Garage.


Stronzo belong to

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old art from last month didn't finished bcz of IRL stuff and I was exhausted.

RLA Naizy with the PR ability (Psychological Rage Grim blood)

0 3

Blake: According Viktor plan. Must be careful with PMC leaders

Givie belong to

No scars yet against Blake

2 12

Some time kill FRG and S.PMC Then find the elevator door leading to the underground facility but there are still guarded. Viktor is running out of K-47 ammunition, The rest of the weapons him have are pistols.

But... can it against them?

1 5

Eleanor had been walking for a long time looking for a way out of wherever she was. She then finally finds what looks like a way out. But it turned out that it appeared to be some sort of office room.

1 5

Fane get some hella attention 😲

here Fane past during Militant Havens War (act 1) where Rogue and Karu save and adopted Fane.

NOW you might think that's not here skin and marker color ? That's her True color back then and remember this it very important!

2 11

Naizy has been captured by fane again, only this time she doesn't know if she will come out alive

2 13

Since arriving at the base, Fleey has been admired by FRG agents.

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remake corrupted Grim I'm gonna say this everything here it all thanks to my little sister for finished for me. she even add Snekym too.

yesterday got heavily drunk at the wedding and could finished.

Snekym belong to

1 9


Occur a battered in Blake's hideout against an unknown mercenary.

Blake (possesed) : How dare you!! I don't know what you're doing at my place! and you dare to stab my heart!! This time, I will battered you until you are helpless!!

1 12

Stronzo didn't think anyone was watching the building from a distance. Teo, substitute chief 1st division will be monitored closely if Stronzo still do it

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- TimeLine -

If Blake joins Federation Ravens Group (FRG) as a special assassin, he will kill Grim/Rogue or Silvia with ease

(The black armband with the red lettering is the special forces)

I forgot to post drawing for weeks

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