I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I wanted to get in on this one. More to follow.

1 12

Day three of Sailor - I wanted to draw this since yesterday, because I remember the Kriegsmarine in New Order had this goofy thing on their helmets that I mistook for a snorkel. I still have no clue it's for. These silly doodles are getting quite fun :>

3 12

Miltober Day 2

US Marine doesn't have spare PVS-7s or 14s so they gave him PVS-5 instead

12 77

the miltober day 1 of

18 79

Witch colonel giving candy and nuclear fallout to Soviet conscripts on the front.

1 10

was supposed to be a submission for day 11 of but it took a little while to make

/Casual S.A.T. Kitsune/

9 43

12: Tactical Yokai

UN Owen Was Interim Forces in Lebanon

0 13

And we continue on the !
And I fanilly caught up!

Day 10: war crime
Day 11: artillery

0 14

I’m late but catching up! So here is an other post.
We have :
Day 5: IED (and rush B)
Day 6: Amputee
Day 7: Warlord (skipped, no ideas.)
Day 8: plate carrier
Day 9: camouflage (of the best kind of course: efficient and economic)

3 18

Hamiltober วันที่ 7

หัวข้อนันสต๊อปงี้มีอยู่คนเดียวที่ต้องวาดแหละ ใดใดคือรู้สึกเผา...

6 11

miltober day 4: defector

when you defect from a group, you put a target on your back. you no longer have the privilege of safety with a pack.. you become a scavenger.

here’s Amiina!

11 75

leg meme. also late day1 I guess

1 20

Hamiltober day 3 : fire

ลงใหม่ คิดว่าน่าจะติดแท็กได้ อันนี้

7 9

miltober day 2: ricochet

bulldog has had a LOT of close calls. most of them she didn’t notice until after the fact

8 66

Hamiltober วันที่ 2 (...)
หัวข้อคือผี... นั่นแหละ

6 6

Miltober 01: Cold War

Indonesian Army during the Invasion of East Timor

4 11

miltober 01: Cold War

it aint me

dang it’s been a while since I’ve drawn nicole

15 112

Early and Straight Day 6: Willy Pete via this IL-102/Su-25/A-10 thing

2 18