Yesterday late is using art prompt list with the word “happiness”.
It was super fun to turn my OCs (original characters) into a mini comic. But I kinda flipped the prompt on its head.

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prompt 4: Words, they're hard sometimes but I don't want to be left guessing.

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Prompt 3: Happiness

It's so..abstract, I could've drawn almost anything. Sometimes it's far away, unreachable, and sometimes it makes me melt away in a puddle of contentment.

It's in the music, in the taste of breakfast, in someone's voice...

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Day 1 :Werewolf x : Most Valuable

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Mindtober Prompt 2: Heart.

I didn't have much time today so it's very rushed. Sorry

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Most Valuable

Nothing fancy today, couldn’t really poop out anything good. Context for it will be below!

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Like inktober but with some special topics for itselves.

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