1. Stag

In Norse mythology, there are Four Stags eating at the branches and boughs of the World Tree Yggdrasil (which is called Irminsul in some other German mythologies) and one of them is named "Dain". It would also go with his "Bough Keeper (Picker)" title.

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[ Octopus Entertainment ]
[ Minsu ]

I kinda have mixed feelings on this but oh well

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*SPOILER wanderer archon quest! Version 3.3 archon quest.*
Finish that quest first to understand the story more!

What if Wanderer become the cat after what he did in Irminsul.

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인쇄소의 착오로 인해
금일은 ‘소크라테스 패러독스’
필모 스티커가 제공됩니다🥲

✓ 20세트 한정
✓ '모딜리아니' 스티커로 수령 원하실 경우,
금일 구매영수증과 멜레토스 스티커를 지참 후
1/13, 1/17 중 카운터에서 교환해드립니다


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Too scared to post but it's minsung. And yes it's for a fic ⊂⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠⊂⁠)

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Hi!!! I'm sierra, stay since 2020 and minsungbin biased! Here's some works from last year that I'm proud of! 💙ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ Thanks for the opportunity lieve!

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