⚡ Eloisa Alanis Koelpin -
You can now change size on Midjourney! Look at those beauties *_*

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THA SKULLGURLS COMICS WAS LIT 🔥 can't wait to see more of that shit,
Anyway here's a quick art of in comic Miss fortune.

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This was supposed to be finished when it was actual MF BD xD (Sept8th) Buuuut here ye go xD

Shading mainly by
Some help with the hair

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Battle Bunny Emi ♥︎

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You know again this fic of got me inspired xD He's just so cute <3 https://t.co/wHlCAW62EM

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My magnum opus! Oh to be surrounded by all my favorite characters was my thought so I went and created it myself~

A little bear surrounded by pretty women 😊💙

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The long road started from a cosplay, and ended with a Mythic essense farming had lead me to this

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Every year on October 1st I draw a Miss Fortune for my birthday. I was about to not post her this year because I’m going through a lot right now, but I can’t break the 8 year tradition now.

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이 둘이 친구인게 너무좋음...
얘네가 왜 이러고 있는지 궁금하시면
지금 바로 레전드 오브 룬테라로


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First rough concept for Sentinel Miss Fortune - who should have become the Bilgewater Sentinel instead of ending up ruined. Would fit waaays better to RK MF Lore. Inspired by Captain Fortune look.

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Kata One-san. It's canon at this point, that Sarah tends to be a hothead when she is in a battle in any AU. <3

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Quizás es solo por que MF es demasiado perfecta en esta skin pero esta es la mejor mierda que hice en años
día 5: tu tirador favorito

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I love this headcanon of my friend <3
Cutest Duo ever. Thanks to Anger ofr the BG~ And Before you ask, her missing teeth were not the definitive ones xD

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