MRW Twitter notifies me that someone liked, retweeted or followed me back after I followed them. I'm nobody. Twitter is weird. But I am appreciative nonetheless.

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ashu wip..will continue 2mrw
too tired
don't even know why I started drawing him

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>mrw I get roped into church-related stuff on any day that isn't a Sunday, and there's no escape.

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mrw I have to essentially click on a back button to stop viewing a tweet since it basically creates an entirely new page and doesn't pop out in a neat, not-broken overlay anymore.

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mrw hitori bocchi ended

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Mrw expresses the importance of crediting other people then illustrators and writers on comics.

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mrw I have more than 0.3 ounces of wine

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MRW im trying to end scav on scav violence but my efforts are ignored

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MRW I've been trying to draw 1 hand correctly for 2 hours.

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MRW it's almost the end of March and "Inbox is going away soon."

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MRW someone is so out of touch with the FGC that they don't know about UNIST's massive growth and SNK's popularity in Central/South America and China.

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Animetic Anthemic vol.8 is 2mrw!!
19:00~19:40 Lianos
19:40~20:20 oddrella
20:20~21:00 dioxxx
21:00~21:40 tenkayu
21:40~22:20 DJ Mii-ko
22:20~23:00 Polcka

16 11

MRW someone says Anastasia is a Disney movie 🙄

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MRW Frisbeed the pizza box into the recycling bin from across the house.

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MRW I walk in to get my preorder an hour and a half early.

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Day after 2mrw

劇場版Animetic Anthemic

~from Rave to Internet~
Anime, Anison-remix and Sub-culture party



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MRW I see others excited for a non-Ron Perlman HellBoy

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MRW I back to work on a project I started before I left for Oregon a while ago and now I see every mistake.

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