
1129 18046

Natlan sillies, one stares right into your soul.

399 2524


403 3695


134 957

Mualani WIP 💙
lmao I usually don't sketch like this (with thick lines and color strokes) Well...Tomorrow more! ✍️💦

6 98

Mualani (Genshin Impact)
shake shake dance dance ~~

4 29

Thank you very much to the people who continue to support patreon. I hope someday to be successful in this.

In the meantime I leave you an illustration of Mualani, I hope you like it.

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733 7000


25 134

Selamat pagi, genshinmoots. Adakah yang minat berteman? I use He/Him as my pronouns dan sudah legal juga. Saya lagi ngincar Mualani, doakan semoga si cantik cepat pulang ya. Kalo berminat temenan, bolrh tinggalkan jejak di bawah.

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