My mind’s full of to many thoughts inducing a serious case of insomnia. Going to try and clear it with so very very late night reads. JL 45 The Spectre’s right. 277/500

2 3

- 241/500

Devil May Cry 3: Code 2: Vergil

0 2

- 237/500

Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman

0 3

- 236/500

Challenge of the Super Sons

0 3

- 231/500

Future State: Superman/Wonder Woman

0 4

- 230/500

Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman

0 3

Batman: Lost 1
Hawkman: Found 1
Dark Nights: Wild Hunt 1
Dark Nights: Metal 3-6

I actually started reading/rereading (since I hadn't read the complete story before) this as research for something I'm writing for , which

1 5

The Flash 33
Justice League 32-33
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp 32

This whole arc was perhaps the least compelling to me - nothing about the writers, it's just the "find the MacGuffin" portion of the story. Plus there is all

0 3

Continued (and completed) Dark Nights: Metal

Teen Titans 12
Nightwing 29
Suicide Squad 26
Green Arrow 32

Had a good time with this. We have a motley crew of heroes running through what used to be Gotham but has

0 1

- 222/500

Challenge of the Super Sons

0 0

- 219/500

DCeased: Hope at World’s End

0 0

- 217/500

Dark Knights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe

0 2