水曜日。星野ちいこ個展Dear My Ghostは12時から20時までオープンしております。最近は台湾でも似顔絵が大人気の星野さんのポートレートシリーズです。是非お立ち寄りください。

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本日より、星野ちいこ個展Dear My Ghostを開催しております。本展では2015年から始めたポートレートシリーズと複数のドローイングを組み合わせた、ほのかな物語のある作品群の展示です。実在しない人物を、大事な友人を描く気持ちで描いています。是非お立ち寄りください。

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Based on some ideas for one of Billy's powers in the fic. While I'd love to see him be in my brave and heroic he'd more likely still be a coward.

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Been in need of hugs lately so I draws...derp...#dudethatsmyghost

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Little hiatus coming up. Got my stitches out, pup is back from acl surgery so will be spending most of my time taking care of her. Here's some old stuff.

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More I can't get myself to draw anything else...#digitalart

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Lookin' through my feed it looks like I never posted this. If I did too bad. Got some cufflinks at work I want to make into earrings. Here we go....#dudethatsmyghost

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Might as well post these properly here. Instagram links look ugly.

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I made a crappy pic for the next chapter of a fic I'm writing. 8D Not great but this is the most productive I've been in a long time. Check out my tumblr if you want details.

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From an outfit meme ask on Tumblr.

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Hello yes I'd like to present my Billy Joe Cobra fanart because it's amazing and I love yet hate this dumb ghost

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