I will also add these from my project because wide screen scenes have never been my forte and I’m trying my best to break my usual art mold with these. I’m actually very proud of them. https://t.co/ndJetC8EHM

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Thank you for hosting this 🎃

My favorite thing to do that puts me in the Halloween spirit is to play a spooky game, like Mysterium or Mansions of Madness.

I will also tag my artist friends and because they're awesome, check them out!

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Cover for my October project I'll be posting 1 illo. + mini-chapter every other day starting Oct. 1st-31st! Nervous, but I won't get over my writing anxiety if I don't commit & finish a story...

If I'm gonna do that, I might as well make it special. WOO!

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art from yesterday <3 my first bb Yeesha, at long last! it's so good to come back to Myst stuff

2 6

Er ist einfach echt mein Absoluter Liebling von Aquabox. Sonnenschein <3
Ich krieg seine Haare nur nicht so toll hin wie und
Und colorieren wird für mich immer ein Mysterium bleiben :D!

1 10

Libellud rejoint le groupe Asmodee, notre article:

Libellud joins the Asmodee Group, our announcement:

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Some of y’all have been asking about our tabletop gaming programming for

Well, has ya covered! Offering the following:

New Angeles
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong

First-come, first-serve! Apply here: https://t.co/UbG4LhzSYo

5 25

Côté on en a profité pour essayer le futur Mysterium Park, une revisite du Mysterium dont nous nous étions lassé en + condensé, + court, et + efficace!
Nous retrouvons dans celui-ci tout ce qu’on aime dans un format plus resserré.
Belle surprise à suivre !

3 20

On this day in 1947 the Welsh writer of the esoteric, and chronicler of London, Arthur Machen, died aged 84. His headstone, in the graveyard of St Mary’s churchyard, Amersham, contains a cross bearing the Latin inscription ‘OMNIA EXEUNT IN MYSTERIUM’. Everything ends in mystery.

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Greco, en 1608, peint des toiles qui auraient pu l'être par Cézanne ou Picasso.

/ Tomás Luis de Victoria, le plus célèbre polyphoniste de la Renaissance, contemporain du Greco
Magnum Mysterium

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a mysterium card of m'pal 's boy floyd for their birthday!!!!

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Après le LC, voici le JP ! ;) ça va, vous suivez ?
Obscurio… sortir de l’ombre de Mysterium ► https://t.co/rie4RLDCyL

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はっぴー野郎 宣伝し忘れた。笑

3 13

Wie man Menschen perspektivisch zeichnet, ist für mich noch immer ein Mysterium, aber ich habe es hier mal versucht :D

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There are just two weeks left to get a copy of my book, Here’s the link if you’d like to take a look: https://t.co/cQ9rqqXL1M ///

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Do you ever wonder if the moon is flat? Wonder no longer. Answers to this question and many more available in Mysterium Conscientia. Only on kickstarter.

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Kind of blends Codenames and Mysterium with a bit of real time play. 🤯

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Hier soir découverte de Shadows Amsterdam! Un savant mélange de Code Names et Mysterium qui fonctionne très bien! Une boîte bien remplie avec du beau matos!

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