Good evening, Nepgear.♡

Well, I thought I'd try to be my normal self for a change.♡

0 0

I wish a Nepgeardam figure so bad.

4 13

Hmmm ......... thanks nepgear♡

I'm very happy to hear that, handsome.♡

0 1

Nepgear has gotten an N word pass!

18 267

Hmmm, yes.♡

Good morning once again, Nepgear.♡

0 0

I'm home, Nepgear.♡

It's already morning there, so I guess it's good morning.?♡

0 0

Thank you, Nepgear♡///

I've worked hard all day ♡♡♡

0 0

Hmmm ......... thanks nepgear♡

May your day be blessed ♡♡♡

0 0

Hmm. Thank you.♡

I'm at night, but I wonder if it's morning now for Nepgear?♡

0 0

Hmm, thanks, Nepgear.♡

I'm glad you said that.♡

0 0

---- ---- ---- ----

26 60

Oh, hello, handsome Nepgear.

Thanks for the RTs and likes on my recruitment tweets ♡.

0 0

We'll help you spread the word, handsome Nepgear.♡

0 0

Hmmm ......... good ♡

That impulse in Nepgear......... you should hit me♡///

0 0