画質 高画質


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Si ves este tweet, cítalo con 4 imágenes exposeando tu "taste in men"

• Yato ( Noragami )
• Spike Spiegel ( Cowboy Bebop )
• Kaworu Nagisa ( NGE )
• Ganondorf ( Hyrule Warriors ) https://t.co/BTwJn04ygV

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Nagisa-chan! 🥺

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hey look it’s my best boy milo (feat his big bro nagisa) 💜

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Kaworu Nagisa - Neon Genesis Evangelion, DIO - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Celty Sturluson - Durarara!!, Mami Tomoe - Puella Magi Madoka Magica


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It's Honoka's birthday over on the other side of the world already! While I don't have any new art to show, I DO want to reshare this commission I did a few years ago: An alt ending to her birthday episode where we know what Nagisa gave her...and it was a necklace~

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在此預祝我砂~Nagisa 20+2生日快樂🎉
會長響我既感覺其實有D似細路(屁孩嗎ww?) 講真果句我覺得你心態上好青春既


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Nagisa's hair resembles the "anime mom hair of death" and this is not a coincidence.

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Colors he wears are dark blue and pink (Nagisa's color), his suit is black in honor of his school uniform. His watch is upgraded and now wears a marriage ring.

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Nagisa y Honoka teniendo unas hermosas citas.😁❤️

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Nagisaen Toru 🤘✨

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I couldn't postpone Nagisa any longer. Here she is in all her cute glory

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i dont think i posted rhis nagisa doodle already

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感謝,繪師,#月陽炎寺 。
接受本人委托,繪畫 ,見到砂砂的生日,所以找到了炎寺去繪畫砂砂,炎寺的畫技,可以表現到砂砂可愛一面,再加上一片充滿螢火蟲的草原,使整幅作品非常吸引,感謝炎寺。

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エイプリルフールだとかNAIアプデだとかあったけど、今日一番の衝撃はプロンプト検索サイト経由で知った「journey系では女性の天使プロンプトのラストにKaworu nagisaを入れるだけで100パー美少年天使になる」だなあ
1枚目Kaworu nagisaなし、2枚目あり

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// yume , nagisara , ngsr

Happy April coretFurrycoret Fools~
Hayo kok nggak balik ini gimana kack jadi manusianya lagi?😅

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