Quote from "Out of the Hands of Others' Fantasies: Minority Mental Health in the Eye of Neoliberalism's Storm" by Professor Jermaine Singleton, featured in our issue FANTASY. Image by Debora Cheyenne Cruchon.

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La derecha neoliberal mexicana no quiere que echemos para atrás la privatización del sector energético.
Quieren que la energía del país siga en manos de sus socios, los capitales extranjeros.

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TV personality Luciano Huck rose to fame on the backs of fetish models Tiazinha and Feiticeira. He supported the 2016 coup and is a neoliberal "outsider" who's never held public office. Last week he was introduced at a business luncheon in Davos as "The next President of Brazil".

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El explicado para principiantes.

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Una parte de la juventud se está educando y creyendo las mentiras del neoliberalismo. Cuando se den de cara contra la realidad y vean que no pueden mudarse a Andorra, ni pagarse el alquiler de una habitación, se frustran y llenarán de odio, al tiempo.

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The term 'Neoliberal' is often used nowadays to describe our current economic and educational system. However, what exactly is neoliberalism? What are the key concepts behind it? How does neoliberalism manifest in our educational system?


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Lo que no quieren los prianistas, Claudio X, Calderón, Fox y el INE es que nos informen de su corrupción.
El INAI sirve para tapar las transas neoliberales.
Es una vergüenza que el INE le haga el juego al PRIAND.

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The phrase "white working class" was popularised by the Far-Right.

It's now used by damaged sadists to try & persuade white working class people that their problems are to do with being white, when actually they're caused by uncaring greedy elites, & decades of neoliberalism.

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se un certo bianco diventa ancella del neoliberale. recensisce il libro "Femonazionalismo" di Sara Farris edito da sull’inedita convergenza tra nazionalisti, neoliberisti e femministe


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Un peluchito de Lord Molécula para que lo proteja cuando ustedes, loj medio neoliberalej, lo ataquen.

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Conservatives and neoliberals in a nutshell

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El agua ya cotiza en bolsa, el aire será lo siguiente, al tiempo.

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Welcome to the Neoliberal Utopia 😣😒

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mexicanwilddog introduces nhoJ, the neoliberal arch nemesis of John.

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La Guía Ética enfureció a la derecha neoliberal mexicana.
Era de esperarse; los grandes capitanes de empresa y sus políticos (de PRI, PAN, PRD y MC) hicieron de lado cualquier consideración ética.
Para ellos, lo único serio era el dinero.

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É preciso seguir desmoralizando o neoliberalismo, cujas medidas, aprofundadas por Temer e Bolsonaro, só serviram para aumentar o desemprego, desmantelar os serviços públicos, destruir direitos históricos e piorar a vida das pessoas, 👇🏾

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The FACT Manifesto is based upon & builds on feminist critiques of dominant narratives on the issue of trafficking in women, recognising that they stem from sexist, racist, heteronormative, patriarchal & neoliberal conceptions of women, labour & migration: https://t.co/wLWnsgqivi

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El activismo de Emiliano Salinas y Rosa Laura Junco en la secta NXIVM revela la podredumbre de la elite neoliberal mexicana.
Nuestra oligarquía acumula poder, dinero y patologías.
Degradaron, con crueldad, a todo un pueblo para que sus hijos se degradaran ante un falso gurú.

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deregulation & pure free-market caused the 2008 financial crash, leading to a decade of which left Britain vulnerable to

Yet since 2009, Britain's richest 1,000 people INCREASED their wealth by nearly £500 BILLION.

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