Woo, there will now be more unique boss fights than I had innately planned.
Is there anything else people would like to see as further stretch goals?

6 15

Flea Kickstarter update.
We've reaches our first stretch goal.
Now the game will have unique music for each area.

2 13

「うたかたシノプシス;」ファミコン版 進捗

6 14

We did it! Worked all night long with . Game submitted at 6:30 a.m. Woke up happy and wish to sleep again

4 36

It's been a very long time since a new screenshot has been posted here, so we're long overdue. Here Toby deals with some annoying Wacky Moles.

5 17

An hour a day gets things moving. Outlines for the mausoleum are done. Next time, i'll fill in some details, or maybe work on the clouds.

11 60

Behold the first public release of "Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio" (very early Alpha demo!) for 8-bit NES! https://t.co/KpcuTgJ4ZI Programmed by Lukasz Kur using Assembly.

13 42

I gave the underwater and cave areas of some much-needed love and attention 💕

🅻 Before 🆁 After

28 208

This is the Mega Cat Studios logo I converted to appear on "Lucky Penguin" NES homebrew. You can buy 72 or 60 pin Lucky Penguin cartridges at https://t.co/C1vz7g3L34

4 20

This scene for 's Megaman 9 NES demo was a nightmare to build (original art uses more colors on screen than NES can handle). 1)Final scene. 2)Background 3) Background 4) Sprite layer.

28 91

Another intro scene I did for 's Mega Man 9 NES port demo. Tried to be faithful to original (but there are differences due to NES restrictions). 1) final result (NTSC) 2) Background layer 2) Sprite layer.

11 70

One of the intro scenes I did for 's Mega Man 9 NES port demo. Tried to be faithful to original (but there are differences due to NES restrictions). 1) final result (NTSC) 2) Background layer 2) Sprite layer.

10 50

Just a few enemy sprites I'm sequencing ATM, trying to squeeze in as many colours as poss. Some may not work too well due to sprite count (pengin's beak overlay) but if ya don't try, ya don't know..


11 47

JP Title screen WIP, shot from emulator. It's gonna look lively with critters and parallax.


4 13

Chokki Beach WIP - needs a severe optimization pass before I can continue..


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