Lien Neville, Shermie and Angel.
The sexiest gals from the King of Fighters 🥰

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Por favor SNK, ¡pongan un Team Maximum Impact como DLC!
No me importa si es que lleguen el proximo año.

Solo quiero ver el regreso de los personajes de los juegos de la serie KOFMI

Alba Meira, Lien Neville y Luise Meyrink.

3 12

Nagase looks so pretty and kinda sexy 😊
Cute swimsuit, yellow and black are her primary colors, like with Lien Neville 💛🖤🐝

Thanks a lot for this drawing.
It makes me happy see people who remembers the Maximum Impact characters

I hope Nagase returns.
The Computer Ninja Geek

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The Battle of Salineville, OH the northernmost battle of the between organized units of the U.S. and confederate armies, was fought in 1863. It brought an end to confederate John Hunt Morgan’s 6-week long cavalry raid across several northern states. 🧵

8 46

Habia visto el video de Javiwario pero siempre queria saber las medidas de las otras waifus que no llegaban al top 6
Muchas Gracias!

Ojala Lien Neville aparezca en KOF XV y asi podamos saber el tamaño oficial de sus pechos
Lien, Shermie y Angel.
Las más sexys 😍🤤❤

1 6

Good drawing びゃっくん

I love Angel's design.
Her face is adorable and her body is sexy! 😊
Nice painting.
I hope you can draw Lien Neville one day.

Keep drawing you are pretty good 👍

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Lien Neville junto a Angel y Shermie son las más bellas mujeres en KOF 🥰

Que pena que Lien no aparecio en Days of Memories.
Ojala ella aparezca como DLC en KOF XV el proximo año.
Asi formaria este equipo de ensueño (y fantasias)

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Lien Neville in SNK Beach Volley Gal's attack

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Golly! 😍
Thank you very much!
It is not very often to see fanarts of Lien Neville.
Which is a shame because she is as hot as Angel and Shermie.
I hope she returns into the games.

Nice bikini, yellow and black are Lien's primary colors after all 😏

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クラシックカスタムの象徴であるBonneville Speedmasterに、洗練された新色「Cordovan Red」が登場しました。コードバンレッドの燃料タンク、ジェットブラックのサイドパネル、マッドガード、ヘッドライトボウルが特徴です。


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Name four fictional characters you're obsessed with.

Lien Neville, Shermie, Angel, Satsuki Kiryuin.

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I personally don't like female characters with big muscles but I have to admit, her face looks pretty and love her gigantic breasts 😍

Nice drawing of Cutie Terry from SNK Heroines wearing her Garou MOW outfit

I hope you can draw Lien Neville one day.

0 6

Shermie looks fine wearing Char Aznable's outfit.
Funny thing is, in KOFMI2 Lien Neville has a secret alternate costume where she wears Char's outfit!

I think Lien looks better than Shermie in those clothes 🥰
Personal opinion.

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Georges de Sonneville (1889-1978)

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Very kindly is sharing his with those of us away from the great metropolis & today introduces "Neville Turner Of Elder St", who, back in the day, could not understand the fascination by for his home!

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1958 Pontiac Bonneville 2 Door Hardtop

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'Who were your first gaming heroines?'

Mine were:

- Lyndis "Lyn" (Fire Emblem)
- Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Lien Neville (The King of Fighters)
- Leaf (Pokemon)

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