Emil Nolde
Fünf Tulpen, violette und blaue Blüte
Watercolor on paper

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Emil Nolde
(Burkal, 1867 – 1956 Seebüll)
„Bewegte See II (Zwei Segler aneinander)“. 1914. Oil on canvas.

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Il cielo si ruppe come un uovo nel pieno del tramonto e l’acqua prese fuoco.
P H Johnson


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EMIL NOLDE. "Landschaft (mit Regenwolke)" (1925).

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Schauspielerin (recto) / Piazza S. Domenico II, Taormina (verso), 1919/1905

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Emil Nolde
Watercolour on Japanese paper
33.3 × 45.9 cm. (13 1/10 × 18 1/10 in.)
Private collection

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Acqua che all’acqua torna, di luce sfrangiata,
si apre l’onda in spuma.
Movimento perpetuo, arco perfetto,
che si erge, ricade e rifluisce,
onda del mare che il mare stesso nutre,
amore che di se stesso si alimenta.
José Saramago


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Emil Nolde
Brennendes Gehöft

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Nuvens ameaçadoras, 1927
Emil Nolde

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Nuvole minacciose, 1927
Emil Nolde (German / Danish, 1867-1956)

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'Summer Afternoon.' (1903) We know that the figure in Emil Nolde's work is Ada, a Danish girl from the island of Alsen. Nolde said he was 'amazed by her natural beauty, sadly a rough sailor turned up, fell in love with her and we never saw her or heard of her again.'

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Emil Nolde, Amaryllis and Anemone, c 1930

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Manoblanc and Faunolder, ghost type mischievous little fellas!

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The is highlighting this week the painting by Emil Nolde "Poppies in Vase". It belonged to the art collection of Dr. Georg and Lotte Koch in The Koch Family had to flee Nazi Germany and stocked a lift van. More info here ♾️ https://t.co/1bMdNGCdfr https://t.co/ctWyH93qsm

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