画質 高画質

Alright I fucked up some things, gonna try this again. People seemed to like the longer format lucid dream story so I decided to give a QRD on the quirk I gave myself for context in future facts. I hope I didn't make it too long. Ryuku facts coming soon.

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tunjukin punggu cowok kny! Mu yang masih hidup itu dong. Cowokku udah jadi donat soalnya:)

2 41

Skeb commission! Thank you for the request, and sorry for waiting so long.

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Babu! Guys, coba flexing build mas Diluc kalian dong. Sekalian doakan semoga sender bisa dapet diluc (jalur standard)😞🙏

0 18

Akhirnya art! Couple yg bikin frustasi ini selesaiiii, cinta terhalang genre, ras, author, ketidakpekaan frieren, dan Himmel yg ga mau ngomong... ngomong kek!!! ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

0 75

I didn't want to add light and shade because it's annoying and it's going to take too long...
but when I put one in, the light and shade is pretty...
What should I do...
Kronii... let me know the answer...

원래 귀찮고 너무 오래걸릴 것 같아서 명암… https://t.co/spjfCsKFal

184 3107

I didn't want to add light and shade because it's annoying and it's going to take too long...
but when I put one in, the light and shade is pretty...
What should I do...

원래 귀찮고 너무 오래걸릴 것 같아서 명암 안넣으려고 했는데...
막상 하나 넣어보니 명암… https://t.co/tBdDmZ9I6E

1 9

오늘 바빠서 크로니의 가라오케는 못봤지만...좋은 노래였어.
모두들 미리 메리크리스마스~

I didn't see Kronii's karaoke because I was busy today, but... it was a good song.
Merry Christmas in advance~

160 1179

babu! cw // cursed image
tolong.. pak sipir botak 😭😭

46 434

Babu! Gais mau nanya dong. Kan katanya spiral abyss itu metanya mengikuti chara yg rate up, klo yoimiya yg rate up, biasanya isi mobs nya gmn ya?

0 1


Yg udah khatam baca novelnya sender mau tanya dong.
Kan katanya YJH gender-nya berubah jadi cwe, trus dipanggil 'Punisher'.
Itu namanya emang YJH yg ngasih tau sendiri atau dikasih julukan sama orang lain???

18 271

Simple Lirin Full Body

Lirin hasn't changed much from her last design, just a couple of colors.

Fun fact, she actually existed prior to me being an artist, so she was technically my OG shortstack before Ursula came along.

86 481


alhaitam ini tidur gini kalau di cium keteknya bangun ga yah.. terus sambil elus-elus dada bidangnya 😩, tiba-tiba bangun langsung ngomong..
🌱: gantian yah

1 11

I know it's a bad move to merge all layers into a single one in fear of having to redraw/reedit all from beginning

but I don't have much memory on my PC :")

(would upgrade my SSD, but it's gonna be long...)

0 1

😌😌... Dong...

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jjk! mau nanya dong. ini dari anime bukan ya? episode brp deh, sender mau rewatch tapi lupa. tia

0 21

JJK! warning spoiler jaga-jaga

guys, sebutin fakta menarik tentang si ganteng ini doong. sender naksir bgt sama diaa

141 1948

31 Butts of December - Day 1

Marin starting us off strong. And yeah, took the post-it idea from AutomaticGiraffe, figure it's a good way to push traffic

3 26

New OC I'm designing cause I was inspired by a dumb song.

78 393

Halo babu! Bantu sender milih dong. Ini chara yang sender punya, nah buat banner yang sekarang ini sender bingung mau pull siapa. Buat sekarang udah ngerasa cukup sih, dan gak bucin keduanya juga, tapi pengen koleksi chara. Mending mana ya, Ayato atau Cyno? TIA🫶

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