Enjoy the night view after night ride date!
Brrrrrmmm 🏍️💨💨💨

Entles (c)
Cakra (c) @.Me

34 68



Nyoba2 artstyle riyo gegara besok tgl 1 April...

13 41

"We are so pretty like this rose."
Aruna and Hisa
(hisa belongs to )

14 39

[OC] the annual i draw our octps once a year event, full images in the thread below :)))) now i can work on my portfolio seriously, see you next year octps

9 18

- Blind Date -
"Let's stay here a little longer.."
Ar meski es tapi sesekali kadang meleleh kok hehe

Araryan and Hyuuna (Una belong's to )

22 48

"Jalan-jalan sama kulkas gak buruk juga"

mbak persona lagi jalan bareng Araryan (Ar belong's to )

16 36

date w hana!! (hana belongs to )

"Keiji-san... maaf membuatmu repot. Dan kupikir sebaiknya kau menurunkanku saja karena aku berat..."
"Heii, tidak apa-apa Hana-san. Kamu sama sekali tidak merepotkanku"

21 38

(OC) Meet Carin and Sil!!! They (and others) are OCs i've had and reworked for 5 or so years!!!

13 39

Late bday art gift for @/nadnf__ 🥰😘❤️‍🔥
Experimenting with coloring style with her

Dah kayak oppa2 koreya belum?

10 40

finally made a character intro for luke!! and remade aaron's as well 😊

5 21

Vania 🌺
dia itu oc yg sifatnya paling aku banget, rambut wavy nya jg based on mine 🥰❤


1 6

Shui siblings tertua, Yong Ho ❤️

56 132

(OC smk saraswati)
(Qirana anggi rahayu)

"Namaku qirana,wakil ketua kelas 1B di smk saraswati.jangan macam macam dengan ketua jika kau ingin selamat.camkan itu"

7 18