fOlloW oDd fReNs!?

LeT mE sEe WhAt Y’aLL gOt👀⬇️

17 67

Yeow is a slow steady creeper plus dope art - had to get one:

11 34

AfTer lIvING For so lONg, bEINg buLLieD, looKinG odD, hAvIng nO FRIEnds.

Tom finALly fOUND hOMe.

eveRYonE caMe tO gReet ToM, aNd it WaS As if a FamilY Was wElComIng back tHEiR lOsT cHIlD.

"ฬєɭΣ๏๓Є շ๏ ๏๔๔ ฬ๏гɭ๔ toM"

COmiNg Up nExT, tHe bOX...

161 412

tHE fiRSt pERSOn Tom sAw loOkeD EXaCTlY LIKE HIm. He COuLDn't beliEvE it.

HE rAn TO HIm ouT Of exCiTEMeNt AND JOY.

ThEre wAs an inStaNT COnnECtIoN, TheRE wAs EleCtriciTY, exCiTeMeNT. “somEonE juST LiKE mE! A WHOLe worlD liKe Me”!

hOw ODd BUt nOrmAl

135 357

tHe lEaP oF fAiTh hAd bEen tAken!

iNstanTly tHe frEsh AiR, tHe cOlourful sKy, aNd aNimaTed aTMosPheRe LeT tOm kNow tHat hE wAs nOw hOme…

tImE tO eXpLoRe…

168 444

COmINg uP NExt...

๏๔๔ ฬ๏гɭ๔

193 532

TOM wAs WaLkiNG hOME frOm wORk anD DeCIdeD To taKE a dIfferEnT rouTe...

Tom DEciDED TO TUrn LEFt inTo ThE AlLeYwAY RatHeR ThAn going tHroUGH ThE maIn Road...

he SAW SOMEtHiNg glowIng IN tHe DIStAnCe...

hE CaRriED On WalKIng in the aLlEYwAy...

146 417


he Was eaRniNg minimUm wAgE And DIDN't hAvE MuCH tO Look FOrWARd To.

hE was DeSPerate fOr A cHANGE.

tom WaS TIRED Of WORKInG FOR mCdONAlds, ANd DeciDed tO QuIt thAT day.

this waS THe bEgINNIng of A NEW AdvENTURe FoR tOM.

135 407

We have this good lookin’ to giveaway. To enter:

- RT this
- Tag a Mate
- Make sure you’re following us

Winner announced in 48 Hours!


115 127

WE neVEr FORgeT aNy oDD fREN...

even If yOU haVe 1 or 2...

All Odd fREnS fAMIlY

67 294

gOoD mOrNinG oDd faMiLy! hAvE yOur cOfFeEs aNd LeTs gO GeT iT!!!


(Who’s got Jerry the snail as a fren? Share below)

64 270

How strong is the community? Everyone drop your

62 204

WeN MoOn? WeN FrENs? WeN b0X?

4 18

soMethIng has escApeD FrOm the BoX...

iT'S Also LeFt bEHInD a mEss...

wondEr wHaT CoUld IT Be ThaT CraWLs arOUnD Odd WORlD?

IT's DEfinitElY Not AN odD freN...

wHAAAaAAaAAt CoulddD it beeeeE?

188 500

odD FREns SCaRed? ODd freNs NEvER PANic.

odD frens StroNg toGEther IN OdD woRlD.

57 148

one of Us one of us One of us ONe Of uS onE OF US


MaYBE nOt...

113 299

frEE nft givEAWaY 🌎

To enter✨

1. foLlOw
2. Rt + LiKe
3. tAg 3 odD fReNS

Also available on:

423 570