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Marvellous Spatuletail
Japanese Name: オナガラケットハチドリ
Scientific Name: Loddigesia mirabilis
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Romanised Name: Onagarakettohachidori
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
People genetically modified into large and fierce omnivores. They munch on moss and algae with strong jaws and a powerful gut. Switching between bipedal and quadrupedal stance like bears, but acting more like hippos
Romanised Name: Kuroten
Scientific Name: Martes zibellina
Japanese Name: クロテン
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 years
Distribution: Northeast Asia
Diet: Omnivore
Ezo Red Fox
Also known as: Sakhalin Red Fox, Hokkaidō Red Fox, Kitakitsune
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 2-4 years
Distribution: Hokkaidō, Sakhalin, Southern Kuril Islands
Romanised Name: Kita Kitsune
Japanese Name: キタキツネ
Diet: Omnivore
An omnivore living in rivers. With its strong tail, it is able to propel forward - even in the strongest current. it opens it's mouth wide to threaten other beasts
Domestic Dog
Japanese Name: イエイヌ
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Romanised Name: Ieinu
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
Also known as: Shiba Inu
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-15 years
Distribution: Unknown
Western Lowland Gorilla
Romanised Name: Gorira
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 30-40 years
Conservation Status: Critically Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Gorilla gorilla gorilla
Japanese Name: ゴリラ
Also known as: Gorilla
Distribution: Africa
Distribution: The boreal zone of the northern hemisphere
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-12 years
Romanised Name: Kuzuri
Scientific Name: Gulo gulo
Japanese Name: クズリ
Diet: Omnivore
Also known as: Skunk bear
Sun Bear
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 25 years
Distribution: Southeast Asia
Japanese Name: マレーグマ
Scientific Name: Helarctos malayanus
Romanised Name: Marē guma
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Northern Sea Otter
Also known as: Alaskan Sea Otter
Romanised Name: Arasukarakko
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Female: 15 – 20 years, Male: 10 – 15 years
Japanese Name: アラスカラッコ
Scientific Name: Enhydra lutris kenyoni
Island Fox
Scientific Name: Urocyon littoralis
Distribution: Channel Islands
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 4-6 years
Romanised Name: Shimahaiirogitsune
Japanese Name: シマハイイロギツネ
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
I tried to practice doing fur and eyes and decided to name her moe( ꈍᴗꈍ) A little info about her. Species: Magic beast, Age: Six months, 5.5ft, and weighs 398Ibs. Diet: Omnivore. You have to grow quickly when you're Neighbors are dinosaurs lol. (≧▽≦) #undertaleAU
Domestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-15 years
Romanised Name: Ieinu (Zasshu)
Distribution: Universal
Also known as: Mutt
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Japanese Name: イエイヌ(雑種)
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
Common Chimpanzee
Conservation Status: Endangered
Diet: Omnivore
Distribution: Africa
Scientific Name: Pan troglodytes
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 50 years
Romanised Name: Chinpanjī
Japanese Name: チンパンジー
The king of the Zealandian forests, the North Island Koa-Toa is an omnivore that feed exclusively on plant matter for most of the year, but turn to formidable predators once the mating season starts, feeding on other critters to produce strong eggs and raise their young strong.
Baj'orna,, a medium sized omnivore. Located in the small marshes and deltas that dot the Casaderea Region/Cascars desert. Despite how it looks it blends into the foliage near perfectly.
Japanese Name: ニワトリ
Scientific Name: Gallus gallus domesticus
Romanised Name: Niwatori
Diet: Omnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 7-8 years
Distribution: Worldwide
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Domestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Romanised Name: Ieinu (Zasshu)
Japanese Name: イエイヌ(雑種)
Also known as: Mutt
Scientific Name: Canis lupus familiaris
Conservation Status: Domesticated
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 12-15 years
Distribution: Universal
Diet: Omnivore