Just wanna point out that impressing Woden is never something to be proud of. Doing it intentionally is grounds for shunning.

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Ugh, Beth is that one character you keep forgetting exists, and then she pops up and you're like, "*This* fuckwit."

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Anyway, let's move on. This dude does a spot on Cassandra impression, and now I wonder what quality in her voice the font signifies. I always think of the black speech bubbles as indicating a kind of flatness to the Norns' speech.

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Yeah, I might gouge chunks of my face out too after that long without feeling *anything.* Humans need stimulus, and when you've been starved of it for so long, even pain is welcome.

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This is horrific, but I always fixate on Minerva's mouth in this panel. Like all artists, Jamie has his visual tics, and the shape of his characters' mouths is a big one. There's a lot of lip curling.

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Good morning! It's my first official day of summer break, so let's talk about the one where Ananke has a very bad time.

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This plot point is a sticky one. Probably better discussed next time in context of what Ananke thinks it means.

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The silhouette of ribs in the foreground totally sells the horror here. Poor Valentine; he doesn't deserve any of this.

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True, you're actually gonna kill like five or six.

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Yes! Performance flashbacks are the best flashbacks!

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Oh shit! A double click! She's learning.

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By the third time we see it, Ananke's figured out how to totally block attacks with it. Cool!

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Then we get a shift in strategy. Here's the first time Ananke's shown using her shield trick. It's not very effective against She-in-Thirds's vibes though. At least some of them break through on several subsequent uses.

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After a very plot heavy issue it ends on the reveal about Baal, and now we can talk about how messed up it all is! Huzzah! But we'll do that later.

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I realized this yesterday, but it was better discussed here: Ananke's eyes are purple. Minerva's eyes are always a different color. Completing the ritual is what allows Ananke's memories of her most recent life to get inside Minerva's head.

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Same shield Ananke used to defend against Persephone in the attack on Valhalla.

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It's okay, Jon. You can sit on a shelf in my apartment and we can talk about the great chain of being and a whole bunch of other intellectual shit.

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