Isn't it weird that Canada is pushing for assisted offing themselves patients instead of investing money into helping people into having a better life despite mental illnesses/depression?
I sure hope people get to 3D print organs real soon.
No correlation. Just wishing for things

0 2

First facet:
Exchange of internal organs for artificial organs.
This is really painful.

14 57

💀The Great Race’s members were immense rugose cones ten feet high, with head & other organs attached to foot-thick, distensible limbs spreading from the apexes. They spoke by the clicking of claws attached to the end of two of their four limbs🎨Nottsuo💀#HPLovecraft

20 55

Tastes so sweet my organs melt

21 168

Day 6 Funguary - Podoserpula Posio

I really had fun with this one. Who cares about organs and anatomy, he is mushroom snek.

1 13

Most fascinating part of the lore so far for me. I'm instantly questioning if it has to be a heart. Could other organs work? Etc.

Though only being the heart makes perfect sense to me too. With blood being their main source of energy & sustenance..

2 21

Lacks vital organs vs hot girl aesthetic

18 116

orange is The Ivory Crayne! he/they, an ageless entity made entirely of a bone like substance (no organs, think kind of like a HnK jewel). he's remarkably ambivalent on human meddling and finds it fun to people watch. the ivory crayne is the only name/title they respond to!

0 9

Haven’t done much art-wise yesterday besides drawing funny organs.

2 13

Ooh nice! Hullbreakers can breathe a little fire to warm their dens, Kinsbane keep theirs for mating displays. Now the fireless dragons? Here! Some of these replace it with sumn else, like the electric organs all over the thundermaw’s head and tail

20 185

im sure this looks insane but
the "brain" includes all his other organs in there like stomach and stuff, but he breathes through his pupil
idk this is gross lol
im sure ill do a better diagram eventually, you get this insane one for now

91 763

Understanding your own is important...

130 1297

Dottore clone OC in the works yippie

He ran away and now he's just taking peoples organs and selling and eating them 👍

He also cuts his own hair and it always looks ugly

0 2

Not to mention the Titan's ribcage seemingly getting smaller around the waist, hinting at it actually being that small. Because if it wasn't, that would kind of get in the way of some vital organs don't you think 😭

0 22

All finished

Isn't she adorable? You can hardly tell she eats the organs of criminals! Haha

4 17

they can slice but they're not bladed, only serrated as their method of dispatching is to pierce their victims abdomen and crush it while damaging vital organs, the serrations are to further the damage and to better the grip, their hands are very mobile too!

13 72

K. Muskrodium

found on planet Poton in the Kitinog-Sog system, located in the Chifuk Cloud region of the Euclid galaxy

No matter the size of their shoal, the lack of any communicative organs leave these fish with a profound sense of loneliness.

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