day two: vacation

basic beach vacation bc i suck

11 24

Day 1: pregame

The day they met vs like... the very next day

176 378

komahina/oumami alliance chart. you know i'm right. they'd double date

6 21

“I need to paint like others need to write, talk, and dance ...
I paint life, emotion, strength, weakness, feelings, love, beings …” Fureur de vivre
by Roseline Al Oumami

1 4

- mmm maybe amamatsu?
- oumami!!
- a//ma/ch/a why is this even a ship
- this sprite

0 1

forgot to post this here but
for an oumami req on tumblr, i love...outfit swaps

45 81

"What is /this/"
ah yes the classic "i have a doll of my boyfriend"

2 30

im pretty sure twitter is gonna ruin the quality of these but here have some oumami + a sweet amami

292 526

Rantaro can’t say no when Kokichi calls him big brother

26 98