This was possibly Serpentor's best look and I want a figure of him, stat

0 2


134 172

🌷♡𓈒 i'll do it how u like it

168 209

🌟🌷you did well for today, so proud of u my babies 💙💜𓂂𓏸𓂃

165 143

Loved the Air Chariot, but I didn't like Serpentor.
He was a bit much.
I had that Battle Armor Cobra Commander steal his ride.

0 6


38 83

Every day in my life is perfect because it starts with me wishing Pluem Pentor a good morning. Have an amazing day! and Fighting!! ✌🏻💙💜#youaremybestpluempentor

93 140

ขอบคุณเป็นต่อนะ ที่มาสร้างรอยยิ้มให้เรา

47 131

Serpentor! Surprisingly this was my first Joe piece ever. Kinda the same pose as giant robo. OOPS! I guess I have a type.

0 13



【マシュ】※ 特定期間のみ

【干物】※ 〃

【母様】@ pentora1122

【父親】@ kankurou0803







27 108