Yknow what’s absolute comedic genius? This cover

Yknow what white poppies represent? Pacifism


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Supremely talented & radical artist Evelyn de Morgan was born in 1855. Her arresting paintings are imbued with a rich spiritual, mythological & allegorical symbolism.
Evelyn & ceramicist husband William de Morgan were involved in Spiritualism, Suffrage & Pacifism

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Oh gosh theres a few I always thing about. Pacifism by Robert Bliss, Deathright Shaman by steve argyle, and Azor the Lawbringer by Ryan pancoast (PLZ LOOK AT THE SPEEDPAINT FOR THAT ONE OMG)

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Apparently growing up my two types were “adolescent boy who has to question his pacifism in order to save the world,” and “person who is just incredibly androgynous.”

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➡️Jean Jaurès lisant L'Humanité, photographié par H. Manuel, vers 1905
➡️Discours de Jaurès au Pré-St-Gervais, 25 mai 1913.
Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) homme politique français, orateur.
Pdt l'affaire Dreyfus, il défend Dreyfus. Assassiné à cause de son pacifisme par un nationaliste.

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I have realized that my fursonas as a color pallet similar to the anarcho pacifism flag (white and black fur not including the clothes)

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Last few days! Käthe Kollwitz exhibition on view until 30 September 2018. Explores the self, death and pacifism through etchings and lithographs in Hull, UK.

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"You think you're better than everyone else
But there you stand, the good man doing nothing
And while evil triumphs, & your rigid pacifism crumbles inot blood-stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck to your guns"-
Android 16

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Käthe Kollwitz exhibition on view until 30 September 2018. Explores the self, death and pacifism through etchings and lithographs Hull.

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Ma quale pacifismo! Smontiamo la fake news e chiediamoci perché a Como nessuno ha reagito!

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but maybe pacifism doesnt always suit you

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Mel Gibson channels his martyr complexes into the most potent ode to pacifism in mainstream… https://t.co/B7vpXgP42B

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[DAY 15] Are you fucking serious guys just kill each other there is no pacifism ending

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