
I'm loving this show!!

58 384

A wet street and a walk by the pond.
Just a few test sketches.

71 606

Once upon a Wednesday night

121 1070

This is where we say goodbye.
Adios 2020, I want to say it was good, but it really wasn't.

162 1159

Lost again and again and again.

105 787

~Si alguna vez me volviese a casar... me casaría en


Es otoño y es invierno. 🍂🍁❄

[Sin ganas de escribir últimamente. Solo con ganas de compartir imágenes que me reflejen por dentro, porque las palabras no van a ninguna parte, no llenan nada]


4 54

Rarefied Air.
Late night doodle

27 406

More midnight ( weird) thoughts

17 137

And now we rest( But just for a bit, because the real work hasn't started yet)
And a few more sketches that I did during this week.
I couldn't focus too too hard so I did doodles of what was happening here during the count.

33 428

And then you stop, you sit and you take it all in.
It doesn’t make your problems go away but it helps deal with them better.

209 1163

You see the snow you smell the trees.
Just to get a change from the election for a minute

73 690

Random images from random projects from years ago. Funny to see them again

39 336