Painted a pretty coloful thyroid gland as number 74/100, inspired by a Masson trichrome stain

9 35

Definitely my favorite blood cell, eosinophil for 72/100

11 68

Here is what I painted as number 71/100 – Acute promyelocytic leukemia⁠.

68 297

After painting a Reed-Sternberg cell as 69/100 I found out that Reed was a woman and I am 100 % delighted by this fact.

30 140


21 130

I just stumbled upon the fact that I didn't paint anything breast related yet, and also that it is not on my list for the remaining days. So I sneaked in this breast carcinoma metastasis as 68/100. My inspiration for this was a slide I found in the Rosai collection.

2 11

Different magnification as most of my usual paintings. Little Lymphnode for number 67/100!

6 23

Another Pap smear as 56/100 - this time featuring some candida. Really enjoy painting this, really wanna do an entire Pap smear series now. Can you recommend me some online learning ressources?

8 48

random old art dump
probably post more below

8 42

I haven't shared my latest paintings of the 100 day series here because I got overwhelmed with life. So here are 47-50 inspired by Gallbladder AdenoCa, Kidney, Crescentic glomerulonephritis and renal tubules!

7 33

I love my new tief baby named Delphi♥

4 18

45/100 Hemosiderosis in a liver biopsy

I almost bathed my watercolor pad while painting this. Pretty glad I only flooded the wall and floor..

14 60

44/100 liver

Painted this in the sun ☀️

11 29

23/100 Small cell lung cancer

Found the inspiration for this one on libre pathology. 😊#pathArt

4 21