Every time I see this sign I picture cartoon Clouseau lookin' to lift my wallet

0 2

Wind and mist... Sounds like there gonna be a plot twist!!!

13 128

Day 931. Light years. (Jump the Shark Week Part 1)

1 2

...and the plot thickens. Muah-ah-ah-ahhh!

5 18

Film Plots Completely Changed by Adding 'ing' to Titles https://t.co/KcNlvqj2nw via

1 4

Sometimes open hostility is a veil 4 other feelings. Maybe Cayde likes raisins. Tonight's sketch:

4 12

Superhero!Blaine trying to rescue Kurt by unfortunateplottwist

7 33

My grad film animation short! A thriller comedy! https://t.co/qJpP7Wz6vd

68 125

Same tbh by UnfortunatePlotTwist

30 27

Klaine scared of a spider in their apartment
By UnfortunatePlotTwist

17 18