¿Qué tal? Ya han pasado algo menos que cuatro años desde que dejé Pokémon HighSchool por temas personales. Llegué a publicar la Beta 1.3. (con bugs por supuesto) y fue una muy buena época. Parece que me ha dado de nuevo la fiebre de Pokémon... >

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Thank you for the and thank you for tagging me! 😄

I'm Rob, digital artist from Brazil and I focus a lot on character design and OCs.

Favorite pokémon... Quilava, but Ivysaur is a very close second.

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Day 2 of shiny recolors! Nicky, never ask me for anything again. Today, we have the adorable Water Fish Pokémon, Wooper! (To some people, he's the Jesus Pokémon... ... but we don't talk about them.) I'm proud of all of these guys, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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Versión coloreada. ¿No tiene un aire como a Criapokémon...?

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Clefairy is starting to be part of my fav Pokémon... its a cute fairy-type that’s related to space?! I love it so much XD

Also, the fact that it’s the partner of my main PKMN Trainer OC adds up too since I’ve been researching about the mon lately

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Want to see an abnormal fusion? How about a Pokémon... fused with an item! That's right, here's Appletun fused with Luminous Moss!

Don't worry, this won't be a usual thing. Just a fusion challenge on Amino! If you want another community to join for Pokémon, it's a great app!

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hizo un pequeño cameo en este episodio. Aún una chica de 16 años aspirante a científica ,ella es de los personajes más inteligentes de mi universo Pokémon...

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My three favorite Pokémon...
Thanks for the tag
What about yours , , https://t.co/QZ3qqwSloc

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You could draw five or six Pokémon... Or - Just One.

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Thinking about Pokémon... especially these two...

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First Pokémon game, favorite Pokémon game, favorite Pokémon, and favorite Trainer!

It's so hard to just pick one top Pokémon... my top five are like Pinsir, Mewtwo, Meowth, Squirtle and Crobat and they're constantly in rotation lmao... Pinsir's my Top Buggo though https://t.co/73U2x7JwTN

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M!Meowstic is tied for my favorite Pokémon... love this little freak

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Sta per iniziare un nuovo tipo di avventura Pokémon... Scopri come è stato creato il primissimo Pokédex della regione di Sinnoh in un GdR d'azione in arrivo su nel 2022.

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puede que.... este haciendo algo.... con cubitos y pokémon......

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Self but with Pokémon... I feel okay about this piece but it’s probably not my best work

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It's him... Pokémon...

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On passe aux Mangas et Animes de la semaine :

The Elusive Samurai, Sentai Daishikkaku, Prisonnier Riku, Wonder Egg Priority, Pokémon...

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Aaah! Aquí, una Oc de toda mi vida junto a un Pokémon... Quien es este Pokémon? Jajajja qué tiempos

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