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Oh yesss now Porco and Reiner match, Gallirei canon once again ✨✨✨

10 75

Porco who has a crush on his two superiors SPECIFICALLY together at the same time https://t.co/CQFXr57i1c

0 1

Porco x colt x hogwarts au

94 346

gentle (porco x pieck x marcel)

(3 / 7)

full version available on 🥰

happy valentine's day! 💖

30 138

—Day 2: Forced Proximity—
Porco solo se está haciendo el duro, pero en el fondo le gusta la compañía de Mika 😌❤️

13 43

Day 2 of - Forced Proximity

In which Jean is overly worried whenever Porco decides to be reckless and gets himself in danger 🥰

24 92

E senza di te io sono lontana/non so dire da cosa ma/lontana, scomoda un poco/perduta, come malata,/un po' sporco il mondo lontano da te,/più nemico, che punge, che/graffia, sta fuori misura.
Mariangela Gualtieri

G. Trombini🖌

18 39

See Spot. See Spider-Ham. See Spot laugh at Spider-Ham struggling to not hit himself! You can check out the non-dog The Spot in only in theaters on June 2nd!

0 2

So much said so far & yet so much left unsaid. This is 'cause we intend to do more than we say to you.

We are committed to building & positively impacting & we will be working with you to do so.

Are you ready!!

Like & Share ⭐

120 133

I'M SORRY PORCO. HE BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE! Thank you for having good anatomy though mommy was feeling lazy so I traced you 💔 https://t.co/f1RZvScJnY

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