Really enjoyed the new episode of Pubdraw and I feel more confident to draw more guys like Fjord! 😊

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Actually got to watch live this week and I had a blast! Also does anyone know if you can do lines with an outline in CSP?

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I finally did a full draw along with last night instead of just listening while working on other things, and liked it enough to throw some colours on it today...

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Had fun watching Pubdraw and, while I can't be involved in the giveaway, I still wanted to share my attempt at Fjord. This is my first piece using Krita, still getting used to it, but I hope you like it!

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finally had a moment to sit n watch ! slapped somethin down but went with.. shirtless, diff expression, diff body 2 rep Beefy fjord

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My Fjord from today 😄 I think I lost my style in this, but it was great practice regardless 😄

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Followed along with the Fjord drawing. Had fun with this one.

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Followed along with Fjord, really wanted to focus on line weight in this one, had fun again! :D

...Oh my god twitter cropping.

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Ran out of time with shading but this was so much fun 💙💚

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Drew along with Here is my Fjord!

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No for me tonight, unfortunately, but I did finish up Vex earlier while watching one of the previous episodes. 😊 Gave her some color for fun!

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This week has been awesome in that I can watch AND Boy Meets World (thank you D+) and get a big hearty dose of along with my favs and to draw Kashaw!

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My digital charcoal for this week’s of Kashaw. I’ve been in an art slump, so I needed to do this.

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Great episode of tonight, and ! Though I did not have charcoal on hand, I had some fun experimenting with digital art to do something similar with my take on Kashaw Vesh.

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