A5: we lounge on the couch by day and the big bed by night. Or on daddy’s tummy

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Can’t find the video now, but Anderson barks and spins in tiny, fast circles when he wants his meals. He drools for snacks.

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We sleep in the big pug bed unless momma’s back is out and she sleeps on the couch, than we sleep there with her too

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A3: Um, yeah. This face just never really changes 😂

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Hey there My are my muses. Have some art!!

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I'm sorry we missed again. We've had a lot going on with our cat passing and father in law passing. We'll be back next week

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A2: mornings are for the birds! We only like the breakfast part!

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Leilu and Goku are ready to be apart of

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Anderson Pooper & Zoey from Lancaster PA! We made it this week!

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Sat 29 July is annual contest - bring your four legged friends and enter

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Zoey will pee anywhere outside, though tonight she peed in the bedroom!!

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A5: our favorite room is the bedroom of course!

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Zoey was diagnosed with PRA today. Anderson says he'll be her seeing eye Pug when she can't see anymore!

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Anderson Pooper & Zoey from Lancaster PA!

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A1: March is a boring month. We'll probably just practice our napping skills

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Congrats to this weeks winners! Thanks for hosting! See ya next week!

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A3: well, we aren't much on sports but we sleep with momma while she watches horse racing

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A2: Start practicing your sleeping skills at a young age! You can never practice too much!

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