Idea hosted by @/qinni.artbook.project , and Even though I know I might not make it to the artbook , making this tribute to an amazing artist is more than enough for me
I hope i did your art justice
All grieving to your family and friends ...

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Here's my tribute piece for , who sadly passed away earlier this week. I saw her most famous galaxy watercolour video about a year and a half ago and took an interest in her art and her stories about her poor health (cont.)

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Un dibujo en Tributo a Qinni, una artista que inspiró a muchos a ser artistas💖✨
Me pone triste su partida, pero de seguro en estos momentos está dibujando estrellas en el cielo 🌠

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I didn’t know as well as I wish I did, I really wish I had reached out and gotten to thank her, she was truly one of my biggest inspiration. You will never be forgotten Qinni you truly made the art community a brighter place. |

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I digitally painted the sketch I made... I'm proud of this because Qinni helped me improve... Thank you Qinni

Rest In Peace 💙💜

Your art will live forever in our hearts...

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So yesterday I made this art piece inspired by one of qinnis art work I’m still in shock I can’t believe she’s really gone she was such an inspiration to all artist 🥺😔 she will never be forgotten may her soul Rest In Peace ❤️

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Moon River for Qinni - ScottUminga
In wake of Qinni’s passing. And to be moved by her work and her story.
Qinniart Instagram -
HQ -

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Rest In Peace, Qinni. You were quite literally the greatest, and shall be remembered as such. A really trouper, a true hero, an amazing artist.

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Hello my name is Pena I'm a freelance illustrator,comic artist and here are some of my fav pieces😍❤right now my big inspiration is Qinniart❤😢

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I'm really heart broken over the passing of you inspired me to create and your artwork was a comfort in dark times. I made this tribute for one of the greatest illustrators ever 💔💙

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Um desenho para homenagear a eterna , que ela tenha se juntado as estrelas a quais sempre amou.

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Homenaje a me inspire en muchas de sus obras para hacer este dibujo..
Que en paz descanse pequeña estrella 🌟~

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thanks for inspiring us so much quinni follow the stars that are now yours

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First of 2020
It's been forever since I've drawn...
This style is inspired by
I am still shook and sad over her sudden passing. Like many others, qinni's art inspired and motivated me.

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by thank you so much for making this public. Noone expected to leave so fast. Rest in peace child, you are at the better place right now...
Lineart is by
I just did the colouring

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Deixo aqui a minha homenagem para Qinni que faleceu essa semana, Descanse em paz. <3

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I hope she rest in peace ❤❤❤
You were and still are inspiration to us all <3

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In middle school, I remember seeing qinni’s fish movie on dA and being so amazed at the colors and how smooth the animation was. she’s had a huge impact on me and my art so I’d like to remember her for her smile and strength. Thank you Qinni.

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