El film de Poison Ivy ( Spin-Off de ) estará inspirada en la historia "La hija de Rappaccini"

Un cuento gótico (sin conexión a DC) de Nathaniel Hawthorne publicado por primera vez en 1844.

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Playing PaRappa the Rapper for the first time today at 7pm CT weather permitting 🥺 Hopefully no tornadoes or power outages 🤞💖

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Segundo o DCEU LEAKS, 3 filmes spin-off de The Batman estão em desenvolvimento:

Cara de Barro.
Hera Venenosa (inspirado no conto da filha de Rappaccini).

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Segundo o confiável DCU Leaks, Matt Reeves está produzindo um filme solo da Hera venenosa no Batverse.

O filme seria inspirado no conto gótico "Rappaccini’s Daughter".

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RUMOR: According to "verified sources" from r/DCEUleaks, 3 Batverse spin-off films are in development:

- Clayface
- The Scarecrow
- Poison Ivy (inspired by the short story Rappaccini’s Daughter)

(via https://t.co/FVyh1DJNsk)

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This is the reason why you should follow me.
I'm in the making of a fan manga based on the Parappa The Rapper series. Thank you so much 🎸⭐

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he drives you home after a really fun first date and before you say goodbye he hands you his mixtape. do you accept

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Had enough spare time today to do another reconstruction, so here's one of a Harappan woman from ancient South Asia!

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Sou fã do André Jogabilidade desde quando ele tocava no Rappa

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