Fifi und Babsy machen die Welt ein bisschen besser.

Wie das?

Gute Frage! Das hat etwas mit dem Begriff "RAOK" zu tun.

Immer noch nicht schlauer? Dann schaut doch mal in unseren Blog 😁🤭


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Looking for a sweet story that encourages Let this helpful princess & her fun friends lead the way! Perfect for

8 13

This one here is for ! Apple pie bun! Hope you like it!
これはOrcaにあたえる! リンゴのパイの兎! 気に入って頂けたら嬉しいです~

80 508

Shouldn't people learn to be this everyday instead of following a hashtag trend?

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Imagine if Shoya didn't go back to see Shoko again...

Since it's take the time to tell someone you care, help someone, or simply smile at a stranger 😊 A small action can make a big difference!
What random act of kindness have you experienced recently?

19 92

No act of kindness,
no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

~ Aesop

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Today is Why not send one of our beautiful cards to a dear friend just to say hello, how are you.

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For if you've got an RP friend you'd like to nominate for a Mashup giveaway, please post THEIR details in this thread. Closing the random draw Tuesday 19th FEB, 12pm GMT, to be completed sometime in the next month (whenever I can fit it in) 😉

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Do something nice for somebody today to celebrate Check out the mag for suggestions! Why not print out this image and stick it on your wall to remind you every day?

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One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone x.

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Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. Spread some joy in this world by doing something nice for someone.

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