La obra de Rembrandt, al ser toda una obra maestra del claroscuro, ha tenido en la actualidad muchas parodias y reinterpretaciones. Una de mis favoritas es esta pintura del artista mexicano José Luis López Galván con su pintura "Lección de anatomía del doctor Sabañón”

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Paintings for Holy Week: but on Good Friday, not paintings, but two masterly etchings by Rembrandt, who had talent for drawing a crowd. Christ Presented to the People (1655), a tawdry scene of mob justice. Christ Crucified: The Three Crosses (1653), drama told in darkness & light

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If a mix of and served with a dash of Magritte, Escher, Rembrandt, Lynch, and Kubrick sounds like your thing – have a look at Sergey Maslov's “Triptych”

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If a mix of and served with a dash of Magritte, Escher, Rembrandt, Lynch, and Kubrick sounds like your thing – have a look at Sergey Maslov's “Triptych”

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Balchazzar's Feast

Video about the painting:

Dutch Baroque masterpiece from the Bible tale, Belshazzar's Feast by Rembrandt,

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렘브란트에 관한 책을 읽다가 흥미로운 그림을 발견했다. 유대인 신부라고 알려진 이 그림은 아이작과 레베카 커플의 초상화이다. 호화로운 빨간 드레스를 입은 한 여성이 목과 손목에 진주로 장식하고 서 있고. 그녀의 왼손 손가락은 감동적인 몸짖으로 그의 손위에

Rembrandt, The jewish bride

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Plague visionaries: how and tackled Much of Europe’s greatest is haunted by – but amid the death are testimonies of love. Can these masterpieces guide us through today’s crisis?

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Rembrandt, Self-portrait, 1668

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Rembrandt, Self-portrait, 1658

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He was the ultimate Academician in that his first concern was status & clique whereas those artists of stature choose their own path (Rembrandt, Kollwitz, Rego & Goya etc). Lady Frances Finch (1781-2), Captain Coussmaker (c1782), Self (1780) & Countess Spencer (1781-2)

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Wait! I did draw! My billionth idea, Katashi is a videogame AI who falls for their player, Theo. Marcellus is the villain, evil scientist bot, who also has a thing for Katashi. The big lad next to Marcellus is 's Rembrandt, loyal minion. Coming to comics, never.

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Rembrandt, a big guy who despite his issues with bipolar, self esteem, and depression is a very passionate, paternal and creative guy. He loves to do art and play music, he sings and plays bass guitar.

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thrusts the viewer directly into the eye of the storm in 'Hero & Leander’ c.1603 : an ancient tale of forbidden love.The interplay between the luminous & numinous, undoubtedly enthralled Rembrandt, who purchased the work in 1637! 2/9

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The Storm on the Sea of Galilee (Rembrandt, 1633)

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October 4, 1669: Dutch Baroque painter dies. The artist is revered as one of the greatest figures in art history.

"Life etches itself onto our faces as we grow older, showing our violence, excesses or kindnesses".

🎨 Rembrandt, "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee", 1633

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Blasphemous es una Obra de Arte. Un videojuego con las pinturas negras de Goya, La Piedad de Miguel Ángel, Rembrandt, el imaginario de la Santa Inquisición española, los mártires, la fe y la mitología bíblicas. Una prueba más de que los Videojuegos son Arte, por el Arte.

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Today the world celebrates and we celebrate the great left-handed artists who have inspired us! Some of the lefties whose works are in our collection include Rembrandt, Rubens, Munch, and Dürer.

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Les trois arbres

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