According to an Instagram survey he is either playing three little birds by Bob Marley or old town road by Lil Nas X 😂💪🏽

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Hello everyone !!
Say hi to my boy 🌸
His name is leo
Hope you like it 😍😚


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Gift for @/romanya01 on Instagram.
Hope u like it .

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Photographer Romany Francesca is improving inclusivity in the fashion industry

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"Maybe now there are some things you understand about me too?"

Thank you to for doing this amazing Valentina Romanyszyn commission!

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"Cheiromany" recent sale on Built on digital imagery I created in collaboration with The Rogue Theatre for play by Oscar Wilde.

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 ──ツィプリアン・カミル・ノルヴィット 芝田文乃 訳「メネゴ」

©Romany WG

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写真①Jeremy Gibbs (Romany WG),②Damian Drewniak,③Natalia Drepina,④Masha Sardari

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Good morning to Valentina Romanyszyn only!

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Vol. 1 released in '13. A superb Glasgow based bi-annual publication, featuring wonderful editorial from ; moments of movement w Romany Dear; images from Richard Wright; + a host of contributions from , Ashanti Harris & many more. (1/2)

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Romana Romanyshyn y Andriy Lesiv explica cómo fue el proceso creativo de "Fuerte, suave, murmurado". Cuentan cómo representaron visualmente el mundo de los sonidos y unieron armoniosamente lo cognitivo con lo filosófico:

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“Romany storyteller introduces readers to a wonderful, hardworking, loving Traveller family. With a sprinkling of traveller dialect he roots the family in its culture”

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