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A shubat sorcery ✨ sorry for the late reply 😭😭 a jam roll for u

0 12

Happy late Halloween! Sorry for the late reply ;w; shubat gives you a jelly!

1 13

Treat! Im sorry for the late reply ;; shubat gives you a candy!

0 15

Treat! Happy late Halloween! Shubat has pancakes for you

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Happy late Halloween! Shubat gives you a pocky!

0 17

Happy late Halloween! Sorry for the late reply shubat gives you this brownie 🥺💜

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TYSM! sorry for the late reply ;w; shubat gives you a crepe!

0 22

Thank you sm! Shubat gives you cookies 🍪

0 22

Shubat and cookies 🍪

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Your English is fine don’t worry! Shubat gives you a miku shu ice cream!

0 30

Awww thank you! Shubat gives you macaroons in return

1 22

Happy Halloween!! Shubat gives you a pudding

1 20

Thank you! Happy Halloween! Shubat gives you jelly sorry for the late reply ;w;

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Treat! Shubat gives you macaroons

1 20

You can’t keep shubat but you can have this shubat lollipop 🍭

1 33

Treat! shubat gives you some green tea macaroons 🤲💚

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TEART! Happy Halloween! Shubats gives you a green tea jam roll

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