[#SIFJP, Party UR Yoshiko "Help Me"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Perfect Score Up

Skill D.: Every 26 perfects: 27..62% chance that perfect notes will give 160..370 more score for 3.0..6.5 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 12%, YoshiDia by 9%.

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[#SIFJP, Party UR Dia "The Belt of the Fallen Angel"

Att.: Cool

Skill T.: Combo Fever

Skill D.: Every 29..22x combo: 38..59% chance to raise score gained per note based on current combo count, for 3.0..6.5 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 12%, YoshiDia by 9%.

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[#SIFJP, Birthday 2021 UR Hanayo "Wish Upon a Star"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Score

Skill D.: Every 27 notes: 29..57% chance to add 900..4715 score points.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 12% of Cool, Printemps by 6%.

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{#SIFJP, SIFAC Wai Wai! Home Meeting!! Campaign Part 4 will consist of Login Bonuses! Log in from Jan. 8 to Jan. 14 and from Jan. 15 to Jan 21 JST to receive Loveca x1 daily!

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[#SIFJP, UR Nozomi "Make it More Delicious."

Att.: Smile

Skill T.: Parameter Up

Skill D.: Every 30 notes: 29..57% chance to raise lily white members' stats by 15..36% for 2.0..4.0 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Smile by 9%, μ's by 3%.

0 2

[#SIFJP, UR Rin "Lots of Goodness!"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Score

Skill D.: Every 27x combo: 44..79% chance to add 600..3330 score points.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 9%, μ's by 3%.

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[#SIFJP, Secret SSR Umi "Sunny Walking"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Perfect Lock

Skill D.: Every 22 notes: 32..67% chance to raise the accuracy of all notes for 4.0..7.5 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 7%, μ's by 1%.

0 1

[#SIFJP, UR Honoka "Putting Homura Manjuu in the Pot?"

Att.: Cool

Skill T.: Heal

Skill D.: Every 21 notes: 20..55% chance to restore 6..9 stamina points.

Center: Raise Team Cool by 9%, μ's by 3%.

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[#SIFJP, Upcoming Event

"Piping Hot Pot Party" Token Event will commence starting Jan. 5, 16:00 to Jan. 15, 14:59 JST! Check out this thread for details!

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[#SIFJP, Party UR Nico "God, Please Listen to Me"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Perfect Score Up

Skill D.: Every 23 perfects: 36..71% chance that perfect notes will give 110..285 more score for 3.0..6.5 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 12%, EliNico by 9%.

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[#SIFJP, Party UR Eli "Holy Bell"

Att.: Smile

Skill T.: Combo Fever

Skill D.: Every 26..19x combo: 18..39% chance to raise score gained per note based on current combo count, for 3.5..7.0 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Smile by 12%, EliNico by 9%.

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[#SIFEN, January 1 is the birthday of Dia Kurosawa! Log in to get these items:

SIFAS: Dia Memorial Piece x50, Dia High Memento x2, Loveca Stars x50
SIF: Loveca x5, Birthday Title, Birthday Promo UR, Birthday Gift x2 (EN item)

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[#SIFJP, 2.1 Birthday 2020 UR Dia "At the Beginning of a New Year"

Att.: Smile

Skill T.: Score

Skill D.: Every 23 perfects: 30..65% chance to add 735..3640 score points.

Center: Raise Team Smile by 12% of Cool, 3rd Years by 6%.

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[#SIFJP, Dia Birthday 2020 Campaign

The birthday campaigns continue, with Dia in line to get hers next! Here's what is in store:

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[#SIFJP, UR Yoshiko "Fallen Angel's Sprint"

Att.: Smile

Skill T.: Parameter Up

Skill D.: Every 27 notes: 18..46% chance to raise Guilty Kiss members' appeal by 15..36% for 2.5..4.5 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Smile by 9%, Aqours by 3%.

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[#SIFJP, UR Chika "Super Mikan Shoot"

Att.: Cool

Skill T.: Score

Skill D.: Every 24 perfects: 30..65% chance to add 755..3695 score points.

Center: Raise Team Cool by 9%, Aqours by 3%.

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[#SIFJP, Secret SSR Dia "Renewed Determination"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Healer

Skill D.: Every 27 notes: 42..70% chance to restore 3..6 stamina points.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 7%, Aqours by 1%.

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[#SIFJP, UR Riko "Fastball Miracle"

Att.: Pure

Skill T.: Heal

Skill D.: Every 21 notes: 29..71% chance to restore 4..7 stamina points.

Center: Raise Team Pure by 9%, Aqours by 3%.

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[#SIFJP, 4. 3% UR Boxes!

There will also be 3% UR μ's and Aqours Scouting Boxes in the game from Dec. 23, 00:00 to Dec. 26, 23:59 JST! There will also be a Gacha Stamp system in these boxes!

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[#SIFJP, Party UR Mari "A Song for Two"

Att.: Smile

Skill T.: Combo Fever

Skill D.: Every 29..22x combo: 41..62% chance to raise score gained per note based on current combo count, for 2.5..6.0 seconds.

Center: Raise Team Smile by 12%, RikoMari by 9%.

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