Snagged my 8th soda. Where my sodafam at? WGMI

8 66

definitely worth checking - unreal artwork, great dev team, and community like no other. still early enough to find a 🔥 SODA!

0 10

Radioactive SODANT in the area 🔥☢️

I really enjoyed doing this one, the colors fit very well 😄

Thanks PercNowitzki on discord for trusting your on me ♥️

21 76

Scooped up this bad boy along with a few others today, not the rarest but fits my vibe 😎

at 5.1k holders AND 5x mint price 2 days after mint 👀

you seen these yet?

39 127

if you guys still aren't convinced on , im stoked to say that we have , , , and MULTIPLE BAYC & MAYC OWNERS holding the is insane.

49 132

Starting a thread in case I missed somebody

If you got a show it off below, so I can follow you. I want to follow everyone in this great community that we are building. 👇

4 29

Some of my recent mints:

All long term holds imo

Super excited about and (upcoming)

I love this game.

11 48