Title: Final Fantasy VI
Year: 1994
Platform: Super Famicom
Publisher: Squaresoft
Developer: TOSE
Artist: Yoshitaka Amano

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Title: Super Metroid
Year: 1994
Platform: Super Famicom
Developer: Intelligent Systems

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Title: Seiken Densetsu 3
Year: 1995
Platform: SNES
Publisher: Square
Developer: Square

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Title: Rudra no Hihō
Year: 1996
Platform: SNES
Publisher: Square
Developer: Square
Artist: Keita Amemiya

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ラジオCD「桜花裁きらじお」Vol.1発売決定!かわしまりのさんを交えた新規録りおろし、パーソナリティの座談会、「メインテーマ、superfamicomアレンジ」などを収録した豪華な一枚です!(サラ) https://t.co/OBP53l1OAP

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It is of course the appearance of new box art that has excited. Defo so over teenage titillation...😀

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