The Eradicator Saga (David Connor) Chapter 14 Part 2 : The Trial Of Superman! - Cover Date December 1995 - Storyline: Wanted - Bottled Up - Deliverance - Different Demons (2/2)

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DC Comics & Superman: Son Of Kal-El Spoilers & Review: A New World’s Finest In The Absence Of Batman & Superman!

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Just finished reading it and really love it! 💖
I'm gonna follow Jon everywhere he goes and see him grow to be a great Superman!

Also found my favourite line in it!
'It's not medically accurate, it's just british!'

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Reino do amanhã Superman! <3

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And last but not least, the amazing concept art that did for and

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zAcK sNyDeR dOeSn’T UNdErStAnD SUpERmAn!!!!

Zack Snyder:

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Jon Kent, Superboy, Superman!
He has grown very well!

From My Covers “Challenge of super-sons” and “Superman: Son of Kal-El

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Liga da Justiça

T.2 - Ep 19 - Hereafter - Pt 2


Um grupo de vilões se reúnem, para tentar matar o Superman. Em Metropolis, eles começam a causar o caos, mas a Liga aparece primeiro, derrotando todos os vilões, sobrando somente

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Entrega na mão dele!

O Produtor, Diretor e Roteirista está falando nas ultimas horas sobre seu interesse em fazer um filme do Superman!

Ele já citou vilões, arcos e recomendações de fãs. Lembrando q ele já dirigiu eps de Smallville e Demolidor.

Oq vcs acham?

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Goku VS Superman!!
Version 1 de mi nuevo diseño para un Súper Pin!
Comisión para cliente de Instagram.

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O Maior De Todos Está Aqui! A Meteora Comics tem a honra de anunciar para vocês a sua mais nova história. Omega Man: O Grande Astro! Se trata de uma reimaginação e homenagem ao maior herói de todos os tempos,o Superman!

*imagem meramente ilustrativa"

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Oh no! Seigel and Shuster didn't understand Superman!!! Where's mah home & optimism?

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TrOONS # 110 - the cousin of the original Superman! Don’t call her Supergirl, ‘cause she is:
Power Girl!

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John Krasinski será o Superman no filme animado "DC League of Super Pets".

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DC’s chance to steal it for Superman! 😅

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Yo! I would love hanging out with Superman!

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