Day 24, we all knew it was coming. This prompt belongs to our fall baby, Paddy Whitlaw. Much love, you crazy kid!

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/ Alight

My mind is definitely elsewhere tonight, but I found it nice to do a quick little painting of an old candle. ❤️

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Day 20 - Alight

Tried some different lightning for this one then usual :)
This is Ayden, an character of one of my book ideas that is yet to be written

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Day 17, just a little NSFW because it fit the prompt. My OC Kaya just waiting for her lovely girlfriend~

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/ Bond

✨"We will always have our life, Arky. Always."✨

My D&D OC Arkrius (the tiefling & the same character I drew for Disguise) and his elven boyfriend, Mynutah. They went through dozens of flaming hoops to get the life they have now- and all they want is to keep it.

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Day 15, my heart always aches for Enkidu and Gilgamesh from the Fate universe.

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/ Shadow

Today's prompt is brought to you by a digital painting of a very basic depiction of an OC and a tragedy in his backstory which is heavily related to & themes around shadows.

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Day 12, back on track! Got a classic Sailor Moon silhouette, hell yeah!

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/ Spellbound & Lunar

I did the sketch for Spellbound yesterday & considered that my drawing for the day, even though I didn't post it. I didn't know where I was going with the rest of the drawing so I thought I'd just catch up on posts today with lunar inspired design.

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Day 10, arm is on the mend, but still going a bit easy on myself. Perfect excuse to draw my all-time favorite ACNH villager, Poppy~

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Day 11 for Shriektober - Spellbound feat. my halforc/elf wizard Harlan

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So I was just tired and chill today (working up to midterms will do that to you 😅) Which I decided to work with instead of against. Result: the prompt "acorn" turning into a literal sleepy acorn 😂

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Day 9 I drew my Animal Crossing avatar dressed u in the cute skeleton costume! I love that hat!

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Day 10 - Acorn
Had more time, so have a little acorn girl 😊
With pose reference from

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Day 8: Wildmom is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this prompt. And you know I had to add Cad introducing her to their new follower.

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/ Shriektober / Day 7 / "Disguise"

I wanted to do this sort of side by side comparison of one of my D&D character's default Disguise Self choice, since it's a spell he uses a lot to pass himself off as human.

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Day 6 is Creature, so just made a cute little fuzzy alien. Not sure what to call it, but I love the little fluff~

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For Day 6 of Shriektober, Amy takes us under the sea, to see a special creature

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My tablets sensitivity settings were completely messed up and that made this much more difficult than it should have been - but I was determined. So here's day 5 of "Growing."

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Day 3 I had to think up someone with that kind of dark-to-light gradient hair. Give props to my queen, Shura from ANE.

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