I'm slow, but Scav donning some spooky vibes for a couple of holidays

0 2

Reassure him with zhis phrase & zhen capture his curiosity with having to explain zhe word

2 tep process to reasure zhis panicYing Sweet Scav💓

0 6

i exit my art hiatus, i create a new sona and then i disappear.
scav brain has hit me and thus I bring anozher yinglet into existence :}

14 37

Scav is very fun to work on, some finished, some unfinished, most unposted lol

4 3

Yep. So evil. You're just zhe evilest little scav to ever exist.

...nope. Can't do it. You're a good soft yinglet. Now, lemme brushie you more~

23 63

Forgot to comment it here also but honestly your work so good it even got my stupid scav hands wanting to color it

Again WT
♋️you read my mind with design ♋️
its perfect. Super look forward to working with ya in the future

🐚💓Bless ya💓🐚

0 4

One of my friends wanted me to draw him as a “bad scav” from so I took him and made him “bad” alright LMFAOOO

0 0

Some doobles of my ghoulgal Scav 🧟‍♀️

1 25

💓For Zhe Content I'll Offer 4 Fragments Of Myself💓
🐚In Zhe name of Zhe Academic Zhe Gremlin Zhe Hunk, and Zhe Sub🐚

I hope you enjoy
Sincerly a Smol Shiposting Yinglet

Shameless Streaming Scav

0 0

🐚💓Be Mean To Us Some Of Us Enjoy Zhat 💓🐚

As a selfless Scav I willingly offer myself as tribute to carry the cross of meanness to build a better tomorrow

In the name of Zhe Gremlin Zhe Patriarch & Zhe Matriarch

I offer all aspects of myself

🐚With Clams We Dine Amen🐚

0 3

Dumb Ying Idea Yinglet, but Link.
Breath Of The WEEEh⚔️

Or just tossing zhis up also🤔

Final Fantasy Characters or Jobs as Yinglets🐚
Honestly just going to simp a bit for Emet-Selch he never tells lies, and is best boy🙏

Also he gives me somber scav energy

0 4

Fucking Yes You Are 💯 & your posts always Fucking Slap💓

wait fuck 👀 since I'm zhe only Yinglet vtubing atm does zhat make me zhe Patriarch of Streams

Zhis is responsibility I'm not equipped for.. I just wanted to be a Shameless Streaming Scav

I'm not a Role Model FFFFFF

0 4

A new proper icon for a new and proper scav!

Lines by and colors by me!

18 92

I've been saying this for a bit now but, all we need is a Yinglet to hack a Protogen.....and we can start Scav Impact

Zhat Zhing In Heaven, And All Is Right With Zhe World.

(Images from We are both Yings that love Eva)

1 7


8 98

We grow & soon enough once one of us is able to get their paws on a Protogen pal we can start Scav impact.

Everything will be Yinglets

Clams in our tummies, all's right with the world

0 0

Scav merchants exchange scrap for coin, coin for scrap, and occasionally sell cool finds folks pulled out of the junk

Generally appreciated by all factions, they still sometimes need protection from the more violent, nihilist ones

1 9


0 10

So! Since a couple of butts gave me a weird, shiny stone which turned me into a yinglet, I guess it was only right to update my profile picture.
So, ya. Vee's a scav now.
Also, I might start typing like zhis, just to dick with people >:3

Art by

8 33