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Aqui a gente chamava de "arinho" e o gancho servia pra equilibrar e girar o aro. Basicamente era isso haudeuhedauheda

Dava pra fazer umas manobras tbm.
HashtagEmoção HashtagAdrenalina

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Eu to com muita raiva, assim que saiu a live eu fiz o pré cadastro pela google play (o link que haviam deixado na live), ai agora eu descubro que não servia de nada e que precisava se cadastrar pelo site (que nem tinha na época), aff.

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En el mes de Febrero murió la artista Ha sido una gran influencia y hasta ahora no pude hacer nada como homenaje. He intentando plasmar lo que más dibujaba y para muchos o por lo menos a mí, me servia de consuelo cuando me sentía triste. Gracias, Quinni✨

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Hello, I'm Servia, this is my new OTP: Haruki x Ugetsu
Spring Rain in your area!


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Mais um dia na minha saga de roubar Wifi dos parentes, consegui rabiscar no celular um Bakugou bem rapidinho

Depois de 500 anos sem desenhar no celular eu percebi que aprendi um monte de ferramentas que antes eu nem sabia pra que serviam

Enfim fiquem com esse kazinho c:

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yey si supieran cuanto sufri encontrando una buena pose T_T quería que se viera medio pastel y Goldfred no me servia :") ademas ay que variar un poco.
-c duerme-

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Saki Metaservian

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Saki Metaservian

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Galarian Kirlia
Subserviant Pokemon
Pokedex: " It has suppressed nearly all emotion from its previous form, and thus diligently fulfills any task given my its trainer"
Based on the maids and servants from Old England

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L'Eterno benedicente che Raffaello dipinse per la la cimasa della Pala Baglioni, e di cui conserviamo a Perugia la copia seicentesca, ci appare intensamente coinvolto nelle umane vicende, proteso con lo sguardo verso i suoi figli ed evidentemente preoccupato per le loro sorti

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Back to my roots with an androgynous pretty boy 🖤 (is a character who will be appearing near the end of ch. 2 in Serviam!)

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Chapter two of my webcomic is currently in progress! First update should be coming out sometime in November!!!

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SO. My webcomic will be coming off hiatus HOPEFULLY at the end of August this year. To celebrate, I redrew a concept I came up for it in 2013. Really happy with how this turned out ^^

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E noi li abbiamo lasciati quei luoghi gentili
Con passo pesante, verso il nuovo calvario,
Di qui osserviamo, come chi allo specchio
Veda il proprio volto
L’umanità suicida
Capiamo quali spettri orribili
La mano rossa dell’uomo
Sappia fare sorgere

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Some colored pencil art of Estariel from my webcomic, Serviam. Hoping to be able to get back to updating my comic once my tablet is fixed.

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Merci beaucoup de toujours nous tenir au courant de ces petits détails. C'est vraiment gentil et serviable de ta part. Depuis ce début d'année tu m'as déjà sauvé le popotin 2 fois!

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Whelp. 4 AM. Time to sleep.
Here's Kaisar, one of my major characters. They are a loyal, subserviant, and extremely competant member of their military. They are often put into leadership positions that their quiet demeanor is seldom prepared for.

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►FanArt Leuphorie humaine◄

Leuphorie est tellement adorable a être aussi serviable ! juste un peux trop de rose a mon gout ;-; ! ;3;

hd :https://t.co/bjgFYkinOR

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i've posted about my metaservians a few times before but i kinda wanna just compile them with just a few features and some meta's that belong to some friends

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