day 14: so, yeah, happy Valentine I guess >_>

8 24

bonus: super lazy sketch. Made with my tablet... From bed XD

1 5

day 26. Ok, I don't even know if I can call this a sketch anymore XD.

8 22

day 20. Allright, allright, I give up. Come here you adorable murdering psychopath

14 50

day 19! I know this one is old, but it always cracks me up XD

6 23

day 11, Two girls, one voice :P ( I mean, they have the same dub actress XD)

16 45

day... 6. Damn! I had to skip one day. I'll catch up though!

1 5

day 3: Daja from the Circle of Magic series.

1 7

Let's try this thing :P

0 3

Sketchuary Day 24: Black Lady (Black Moon Clan)

2 10

Well that wraps up this year's Sketchuary! Time to play some vidyagames! XP

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