Cantalagua’s typical clothing are a mix of tradition and style taken from Japan’s shapes and Mexico’s colors and textures. A combination of sorts. Both pretty and comfy.

What would you wear?

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Here we go again.
No matter how bad, Oliveries always delivers.

You can read Song for cantalagua now.

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Happy Birthday, Nila!!!!

We would love you to tell us what’s your favorite Nila moment so far.

Don’t remember one?
Maybe you should read the comic again 😉

Here you go:

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Sun Pizza’s Fruit n’ Veggies Special! ☀️😎🍕
A specialty of Cantalagua. Yum yum

How do you like your pizza?
Share with us in the comments.

And don’t forget, you can read or re-read the ongoing Cantalagua comic.

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Plants’ most diligent companions. Potlers are tireless workers.

How do you care for your plants? Share with us in the comments 💦🌱❤️

Read the whole chapter 1 for free at:

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La primera parte de "Lost & Found" ya esta disponible en la app de
Encuentra nuevas páginas cada mes!

App disponible para iOS

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Something’s wrong with Nila’s new plant!!! What can we do?

Keep calm and read the new Cantalagua update :)

Check out the comic now.

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Waaaaaa... Nila is late!
But you’re just in time to read your new update of Song for Cantalagua!

Check out the comic now.

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Para nuestros lectores latinoamericanos: Ya puedes leer Song for Cantalagua en la app de !!!
Una nueva forma de disfrutar las aventuras de Nila y compañía.

App disponible para Android y iOS 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

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We reach the end of chapter 1 of Song for Cantalagua! And to celebrate it we have a DOUBLE UPDATE!

Check out the comic!

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A wild character appears! It’s Nila’s best friend, Otto
He’s not mean, he’s just tired.

Checkout the comic!

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Late night at the Lighthouse. Nila’s long day is almost over.

Check out the comic!

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One of Cantalagua’s oldest neighborhood. Good ol’ Riverbank, where you’ll find the second finest food in town (after the Lighthouse) but certainly, the freshest.

Checkout the comic!

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What is Nila daydreaming about? She seems to like it.

Find out reading Song for Cantalagua.

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The Cantalagua team wishes you a Happy New Year! Although it seems Nila doesn’t like cold weather

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