Redrawing that Devil Stan. He is just too cute in that onesie rather than scary. Well, in my eyes at least.

"He and I are matching!" Stan chirped. "At least its not a onesie" Ford thought as his shoulders sagged in defeat.

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Random doodle again!! I'm going to redo this drawing with different styles.

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Ford plushie is back... Bigger and fluffier than ever.

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Speaking of spoopy month, this used to be my Halloween icon a couple years ago :D

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Those blessed summers☀️

Dibujé al rick y fiddleford en la frame de los pines y ps yasaben que el fondo no es mio jaja

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Ford: Good morning, Stanley!
Stan: *groggily* Morning, Ford. Have you seen my glasses

Stanny with a small feminine body.
With a little help confidence boosting from Zodi, I was confident enough to post this. This is a mistake

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Little Brats jumping in papa's armchair 👌🏻

Yasaben que el fondo no es mio, solo dibujé a los mocosos 👁️✨

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Redraw of my first Stancest art. I can't believe it's almost been a year! I've improved right? I think I'm gonna cry!

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The good oldies chopin wood✨

Las escenas de that 70's show encajan re bn para estos dos jaja

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The sweetest relationship between Grunkle and grandson ✨

Use el chiste de that 70's show jajas

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Random lazy doodle!!

My little brother loves memes and sent me the image on the right. Drawing it was a must!

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как только увидел эту фразу, сразу подумал что она прям создана для них хд

- I love you to the Pluto and back
- Pluto is not even a planet.
*Shut up, smart ass...*

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