tenk u for commission daisukko !!!

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(Betsu: Japanese for Different; a reference to Tailmon Betsu, a cosplayer)
Cold Gag
Tsukkomi Punch

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I want to share this lil that I got from for me bday!
in Daisukko's words:
"is detective zarastro yes yes"

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Aight, so I'm a demon, right? I've got these big ass arms that get worked out from doing graffiti a lot. I can pack quite a punch.
Most of the time I'm pretty chilled, but you can ask Desk-kun how it feels when I get angry

2nd artpiece done by @.Daisukko1

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Hi, I'm Zara!
I'm a demon ambassador turned graffiti artist!
I do L2D rigging and also do graffiti headers (see @.V_Thighs and @.Daisukko1)
I stream every Monday, Wednesday and Friday over on YouTube (https://t.co/xJhrmKIKUZ)

My streams are always chilled, so come by and say hi!

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Rantaro and Tadano, from Agretsukko, kin each other!

5 10

I have new markers so I did some drawings to try them! ♥ Ink by @/Mye_Bi Error by @/DaCrayonQueen Fell!Sans by @/underfell(tumblr) Swap!Sans by AU Community Ace by @/zirkkunart Condoriano by @/Kumakins Sappy by @/sukko03

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(Betsu: Japanese for Different; a reference to Tailmon Betsu, a cosplayer)
Cold Gag
Tsukkomi Punch

5 33

Sorry! I didn't draw all them 😥

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Our female protagonist, Mayumi Doujima, who is also the Tsukkomi in the series. She is a normal, eccentric girl with starry eyes trying to find a lost star with the help of our pretty boy detectives.

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Y por último, pero no menos importante, les presento a Woolly (Originalidad...), mi fursona a la que le pienso hacer un rediseño proximamente :3

(En estiló mío, de Sonic y de Aggretsukko, el fondo es de Pokémon)

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I love Agretsukko so much omg

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Day 13 of V-tubers Poem:

Arrived from the void, surprise~
Bet you didn’t expect me
Daisukko demands cake and tea
Or you’ll be sent to the bottom of the sea
Winning hearts with chibi arts… I am kind
Slowly, I’ll gather every soul and mind.

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ChoroMARCHu day 17!
Green Hair time!
Choromatsu retro pop.

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(Betsu: Japanese for Different; a reference to Tailmon Betsu, a cosplayer)
Cold Gag
Tsukkomi Punch

7 25

first drawing of the year and it's just a crappy doodle, whyyyy T_____T
anyway, play Cayanensis by , it has a birb tsukkomi and a birb boke~ 🪶🪶🪶

3 22

Professional looking stream checklist:
Overlay: ✅
Start/Break/End Screen:✅
PNG Model:✅
Rigged Model: ❌(soon)
Chat Box:✅
Custom Alerts:✅
Custom BGM:❌
Banner Art:❌
Profile Picture:✅(Daisukko chibi for life)
Offline Screen: ❌

Professional Streamer:

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Don't forget to like and RT the original post too if you liked it!

The All-Tsukkomi Mecha Subaru
English TL

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Ren was incredibly superfluous to this chapter even if he was only at the beginning anyway but we got another reaction face I’ll be using for eternity out of it so it wasn’t for naught. Ren reaction...Reactren...

This is kinda the entire point of tsukkomis isn’t it

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